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Haus und Bienen I

Notgalerie Seestadt "Wir bauen ein Haus dann züchten wir Bienen - Part I"

Notgalerie Seestadt
- Wir bauen ein Haus dann züchten wir Bienen -


Part I

Friday July 22, starting 6 pm




Simona Pavoni presenting her final project of her artist in residence periode


with contributions by
Pablo Marchetti De La Fuente
Yasmine Chiboub
Claudia Mangone

and Imre Nagy
and the first presentation of his sculpure

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Notgalerie Seestadt invites you to the opening of Simona Pavonis and Imre Nagys installations.

Simona Pavoni, our Italian residence artist, in cooperation with das weisse haus, presents her final project A Midsummer Night's Dream in which two themes find their place: the dream dimension and the feeling of love. A Midsummer Night's Dream is a room that is intended to be a place of contact between two worlds inherent in human existence, that of wakefulness and that of sleep. A Midsummer Night's Dream is the packaging of a dream, a space similar to a child's bedroom that is transformed into an amplified and magical reality where everything becomes possible. For her presentation, Simona invited three artists to contribute their works to her installation. Pablo Marchetti De La Fuente / Yasmine Chiboub / Claudia Mangone


The second artwork at our opening is Fluidum by Imre Nagy.
In his newest work, he took one of the Notgalerie Piedestals as a starting point to create an overall installation that follows the idea of a Zen Garden. The central element is a figure that depicts a gate. Imre calls it the „Tor der Leere“ — „gate of emptiness“. This gate stands between his garden and the growing City of Seestadt to which the gate is pointing. Nagy created a whole garden that is also part of the sculpture. This garden acts as a place for bees whose hive is hidden in the sculpture. The bees create the cosmos of the sculpture and the athmosphere that the visitor is invited to join to feel the duality of the inner world of the sculpture and the world around.


These two works now become part of the Notgalerie Seestadt that in 2022 goes into it's second year of programming —while the original building of Notgalerie travels around the world, finding 500 new homes, and opens in venues in cities like Prague, Hall in Tirol and even soon in Arad, Israel.

In Seestadt the new and old materials created a variety of new displays that artists took over for their works. The artists who so far are on display at our Seestadt venue are: Matěj Frank / Brigitte Kowanz / Lucie Nováčková / Tanya Shtykalo / Rainer Stadlbauer – studio itzo / Martin Vlček / Siegfried Zaworka / Reinhold Zisser

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